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Phone : 000 123 456 789
123th, Round Street Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia.
The Cottage Inc, is happy to serve you offering Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) either a Tiny Home on wheels, or a Tiny Home Shipping Container. While our units can fit the bill for many types of uses, the majority of our customers utilize them as a:
You can rent it out as short-term or long-term income. This can help you pay your mortgage or other expenses.
You can move into it while generating rental income from the main house.
You can use it to provide housing for family members, such as adult children, aging parents, or family members with disabilities.
You can use it as a standalone home office or workshop.
You can use it to accommodate guests while maintaining privacy.
Painted drywall or painted shiplap (paint & stain options available).
R13 fiberglass roll insulation in walls. R19 fiberglass roll insulation in floor and ceiling.
Pro grade waterproof vinyl in lofts, kitchen, and living space (color options available). Porcelain tile in bathroom.
Fiberglass door, full glass with built in blinds.
Vinyl double paned impact resistant windows.
Slim profile LED ceiling lights. Exterior light sconce.
Are you confused by all the personal financing options for your new home, office, or custom container?
The Cottage has done the vetting for you and we have a wealth of personal financing solutions to fit every need.
One of our most popular financing solutions is a zero percent interest loan for your build. Below you will find a few details and qualification factors for zero-percent and low-interest financing options which have the potential to total $80,000 for a single borrower. If you have multiple borrowers, you can increase your buying power.
Each of our models has run through rigorous design and testing to ensure a balance of cost and comfort for your potential guests. This process has allowed us to navigate the murky waters of permitting in certain areas. We know what works and what does not from the start so we can keep you from making a decision that will have a negative impact on your short term rental business. Here are a few of the benefits of using a shipping container for a short-term rental:
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